Community matters!

StoP is about change

StoP is an initiative and approach to end (domestic) violence against women. StoP starts where domestic violence happens: at home, in the neighbourhood, in the community!

StoP is community work

“Violence says less about the quality of a relationship than it does about the quality of a community.”


StoP is visionary

Neighbourhoods free from domestic violence! This is something we can achieve together. Everybody can say something – do something. Here you find the tools.


Why is StoP needed?

Domestic violence affects millions of people. It is rooted in patriarchal structures and norms, takes various forms. Much has been achieved but help and support are often hard to find, and the violence is not decreasing. This is where StoP starts.


What is StoP?

StoP builds on community organizing and addresses the space and place where domestic violence often occurs. It is a process of coming together, raising awareness and building strong networks. Community Organizing successfully brings about social change by educating, empowering and mobilising communities to take action.


How to do StoP?

Preventing and ending domestic violence is urgent and possible. StoP offers eight steps – practical and scientifically proven – to help win this fight. They form the core of the toolbox: resources are provided for each step. Let’s take action – join the StoP community!