
Why is StoP needed?

Domestic violence affects millions of people. It is rooted in patriarchal structures and norms, takes various forms. Much has been achieved but help and support are often hard to find, and the violence is not decreasing. This is where StoP starts.

Why is Stop needed?

The answer to the question is: because violence against women and girls is so massive and so widespread, because it is not decreasing and we need to find new ways to achieve sustainable change. In order to find a way forward, we first need to clarify and understand where we are now, i.e. what exactly is at stake, why we are not making any progress and where we want to go.

This chapter therefore focuses on the fundamental questions:
What violence are we talking about?
Where does it come from?
What are the causes?
What should change?
What has been done so far?

In other words, it is about describing and explaining gender-based violence, goals and the measures taken so far.


StoP aims to prevent and end gender-based violence. This violence has many faces and is widespread throughout the world. According to studies from different countries, violence against women is the most common human rights violation. The most dangerous place for women and girls is their immediate social environment, especially the home. This is why it is often referred to as domestic violence. Despite many positive developments, violence against women and girls is a massive problem in Europe. One in three women have experienced physical or sexual violence since the age of 15 (FRA 2024). In most cases, it is perpetrated by close male acquaintances. Every third day, a woman is killed by her (ex-)partner. This violence destroys the lives and health of millions of women, causing great human suffering and enormous social, economic and political costs. The negative effects of this violence are most devastating for those directly affected, but they also spill over into family and social networks, affecting local communities and society as a whole. Violence against women and girls is not a private or individual problem. It is deeply rooted in social structures, linked to gender imbalances and patriarchal traditions. The measures taken so far offer more protection and support and raise awareness of the problem. However, domestic violence is not decreasing and there are critical gaps in prevention and intervention. The potential of local civil society has been neglected. There is a great need for action and StoP offers solutions. 

Domestic Violence


What kind of violence are we talking about?
Who is affected?
What are the dynamics?

Domestic Violence


What are the causes?
What are the social structures supporting it?
What has love got to do with it? 

Domestic Violence


What has been done so far?
What kind of support has been implemented?
What (international) conventions are in place?


What is StoP?

StoP builds on community organizing and addresses the space and place where domestic violence often occurs. It is a process of coming together, raising awareness and building strong networks. Community Organizing successfully brings about social change by educating, empowering and mobilising communities to take action.


How to do StoP?

Preventing and ending domestic violence is urgent and possible. StoP offers eight steps – practical and scientifically proven – to help win this fight. They form the core of the toolbox: resources are provided for each step. Let’s take action – join the StoP community!